Data Mesh-my take aways

In the journey to modernize your data landscape, you’ve likely come across the term “Data Mesh -” numerous times. There’s a wealth of articles, books, references, and a thriving community dedicated to this topic. In this blog post, we’ll delve into what Data Mesh really entails, explore its complexities, and determine if it’s the right architectural approach for your organization. If you prefer a more comprehensive resource on the concept, you can skip ahead and access DataMesh-Architecture, which provides in-depth information....

September 12, 2023 · 4 min · 707 words · Me

dbt: A Deep Dive into dbt-Core vs dbt-Cloud

dbt (Data Build Tool) is fast gaining traction in the modern data platform architecture. Its primary function? To enable analysts and engineers to more efficiently transform data within their data warehouse. The DBT universe comprises two main variants: DBT Core: This open-source framework is dedicated to data transformation and is available at no cost. DBT Cloud: A managed service that offers Git-integrated code editing, job orchestration, and data quality controls, all built on the robust engine of DBT Core....

September 12, 2023 · 4 min · 793 words · Me

Apache Iceberg-Considerations

Apache Iceberg — Solution Considerations Apache Iceberg is been buzzing for a while this post is to deep dive on what that means and its solution considerations What is it? Its a table format to store and interact with the Data From user perspective who are familiar in SQLs it is a way to answer the question of what data is in this table? , its not the data that’s going to be in some database, but stored in a file that reside in a data lake (like s3) and then users can interact with that table with SQL....

August 16, 2023 · 8 min · 1495 words · Me